Thomas Bissinger
Since my youth I am interested in creating a healthy and happier life for people. I studied medicine and science of religions. I explored different Eastern and Western approaches.
I created on this basis and 20 years of my offfice experience with patients and clients, thsi effective and soul healing approach of online coaching, online classes and a community, where you are the important factor, not a philosophy or method.
I offer you to help you overcome blocks and grow as a person to embody who you really are, your deep, positive self.
approach friends and clients
build greater awareness with website
podcast, youtube video etc.
interested people can see the video to become curious and create in themselves an initial positive representation of the concept through images and few words
promoting idea of transformation step by step
sequence and image ideas:
Where are you?
What is your need? Now? Tomorrow?
to overcome problems and challenges > evolution: need to grow as a person
stop water, plants die > growth needs continual care
pictures of the chakras (some only) with one key word
integration of these needs and constant growth = positive activity
(dark spots in a picture (darker version of right picture) become lighter > result in picture to the right
result: becoming yourself = living transformation (not static) = light shining from inside of right picture

practical application in
office coaching
online coaching and courses
be part of a community of like minded people, positive, supportive
create positive friendships

Thomas Bissinger
Schon als Jugendlicher interessierte ich mich für Heilung und den Aufbau positiver Beziehungen. Im Laufe der Zeit lernte ich verschiedene östliche und westliche Verfahren kennen. Daraus entstand eine Kombination von Ansätzen, die individuell angepasst werden, um Harmonie, Gesundheit und Glück zu fördern.
Mitarbeit in Gemeinschaftspraxis in Ulm
1997 Praxis in München
Medizinische Fortbildungen
TCM (Akupunktur, Chinesische Kräutertherapie)
Sanfte Chirotherapie (NOT/Neuronale Organisationstechnik, NST/Neurostrukturelle Organisationstechnik)
NLP (Dr. Elmar Hatzelmann, Dr. Tad James, Michael Grinder M.A.)
IPSG nach Rocque Lobo
Magister der Religionswissenschaft (Nebenfächer Indologie, Ev. Theologie) , Thema der Magisterarbeit: „MBSR – Die säkulare Erleuchtung” MBSR: Mindfulness in Verbindung mit Yogaübungen und wissenschaftlichen Konzepten
IPSG nach Rocque Lobo
Erfahrungen in Mindfulness, Yoga, Qi Gong
Erfahrungen mit indischen Systemen, Yoga, bud-dhistischer und hinduistischer Meditation